Beth: Have the Human Resources department given you your employment contract yet? 贝丝:人力资源部已经把你要签的雇用合同给你了吗?
B: I changed my mind at the last minute as I was going to sign the employment contract. 乙:我在签合约的最后一刻改变了主意。
As an important system in employment contract law, dismissal wage by nature should be obligatory or legal help given by employer to employee passively unemployed. 作为劳动合同法中的一项重要制度,经济补偿金在性质上应当是用人单位对员工被动解除劳动关系进行帮助的义务化或法定化。
Impact of Employment Contract Law on Enterprise Human Resources Management and Its Countermeasures 劳动合同法对企业人力资源管理的影响及对策
Article21a seafarer is entitled to terminate employment contract if one of the following things occurs. 第21条有下列情事之一者,船员得终止雇佣契约。
Employment contract or employment remove certification of the certified public accountants firm in which the applicant practiced; 所在会计师事务所的聘用合同或者工作调动证明;
What is the local legal requirement for employment contract? What is the situation in your company? 当地法律对雇佣合约是如何规定的?你公司的执行状况如何?
B: My employment contract is about to expire. 我的合同期满了。
The day for graduation is coming nearer. I'm the only one that has sign an employment contract. 离毕业越来越近了,宿舍就我一个人还没签约了。
This accessory and standard employment contract have the same effect and could be of indivisibility. 十、本附件与标准聘用合同具有同等效力,是合同不可分割的一部分。
Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract. 无法完成工作被视为违反劳动合同。
In companies, people do not sign the employment contract until they are happy with the conditions. 在公司里,人们在对一切条件满意的情况下才可能签定劳动合同。
Nearly 70% had their employment contract terminated either by due notice or by wages in lieu of notice. 接近七成被终止雇佣合约时其雇主有给予适当的通知期或代通知金。
Just because my employment contract expired. 因为我的合同到期了。
In this dissertation, I focus on threes issues about recruitment, work experience choice, faith, and employment contract. 本文从企业的角度,分别对企业人员招聘的经验选择、诚信和雇佣合同进行研究。
Agreement by the management is a sine qua non of all employment contract. A conditional acceptance is not an effective acceptance unless the offeror agrees to the condition. 管理部门的同意就是所有雇用合同的必要条件。有条件的承诺是无效的承诺,除非要约人对所附条件同意。
The factory sign Employment Contract to all workers. 该工厂跟全部工人签订雇佣合同。
A seafarer under a periodical employment contract shall give a one-month notice to the employer or the master when terminating the contract. 定期雇佣契约之船员终止雇佣契约时,应在一个月前预告雇用人或船长。
For foreign investors, the focus of attention is the draft employment contract law, which is likely to lead to major changes in employee rights and employer obligations. 外国投资者关注的焦点是劳动合同法(草案),该草案可能使劳动者的权利和用人单位的义务出现重大变化。
On termination of employment contract, the employer should pay outstanding wages to the domestic helper. 在终止雇佣合约时,雇主应支付任何未发放的工资给家务助理。
The contract of apprenticeship signed under the apprenticeship scheme is an employment contract between the apprentice and the employer. 在学徒训练计划下所签订的学徒合约,是学徒与雇主之间的雇佣合约。
After they signed an employment contract with an employer in Canada. 与加拿大雇主签订工作合同后,就可以获得工作许可。
Terminates or ends an employment contract without paying the Employee severance pay pursuant to this Law. 解除或者终止劳动合同,未依照本法规定向劳动者支付经济补偿的。
The probation period shall be included in the term of the employment contract. 试用期包含在劳动合同期限内。
The Difficulties in the Youngster Employment Policy Reform in France from "the First Employment Contract Act's Abortion" 从首次雇用合同法案的流产看法国青年就业政策改革的艰难
The Opinions will supplement and detail the Employment Contract law. 《意见》将对《劳动合同法》进行补充和细化。
The provisions of the employment contract shall be drawn up in accordance with Taiwan laws and regulations. 劳动契约内容应依台湾相关法规规定订定之。
How long is the employment contract that I will sign with the American School? 我们最开始要和美国学校签定几年的工作合同?
That's mccarthy's employment contract with bxj. 麦卡锡与bxj签的劳务合同。
The Function and Nature of Economic Compensation in Employment Contract and Improvement of This System 劳动合同经济补偿金的功能、性质和制度完善